Ask Cloe

I am starting this question-and-answer feature in hopes that we can best communicate those issues that are important to you. This is your chance, spankophiles, to ask me anything you desire. I might even answer. As a disciplinarian and mentor, I reserve the right to speak about what I choose. For example, this is not intended to be an advice column on sexual techniques associated with corporal punishment. While an erotic element does exist in many spanking scenes, my expertise lies in the disciplinary and interpersonal arts not as a sex counselor. 

In responding to your questions, I will draw upon my varied experiences as a disciplinarian and the work I did in other areas. You may know that I have been a bartender, club manager, and event creative planner. I have worked on both lifestyle and vanilla events. I do not know it all, but I have seen a lot.

So, you wonder what type of queries I have gotten in the various venues – lifestyle, spanking, vanilla – at which I have worked? Is that a question? You must be clear! Do not make me interpret your question. There might be consequences! 

OK, here are a few of them with brief answers:

  • How can I best assure that play will be rewarding and fun? The short answer is to communicate! Let your needs and preferences be known. Learn what your partner desires and can do. Talk!
  • Is my body shape and weight conducive to attracting men? Ladies embrace your sexiness! Be yourself. Wear a thong or bring your own robe, coverup, or other garment that you are comfortable with as clubs that do provide coverups cater to one size fits all.
  • Is it OK to eat or drink either here or beforehand? Use your good judgement. Excessive alcohol and play are not a good combination. Use it in moderation. Guys do not get a lady wasted! My experience is that you should not eat garlic before play and do not use cologne. Odors and aromas can be picked up and turn off many people.
  • Do my clothes look OK? Certainly! You are yourself. But please take the price tags off. 

Now, buckle up, think, and send your questions to which is my blog email. Do not worry. Your secrets are safe with me. 

From switchyforu (April 2, 2021): I am one that adores impact play. I know that each implement has its own threshold on pain. Which do you prefer as a spanker? I know for me it is not about the excruciating pain I feel but more of the accuracy of the strike.

Lady Cloe: Why my hand, of course, is my favorite.  Being 5'9" and strong, I can immobilize someone OTK and redden their bottom by hand. Beyond that, it depends on what creative mindset I am in and what implement - I have many - happens to wander into my hand. Rest assured, that whether by hand or something else, I am quite accurate.

 From badboyteddy (April 7, 2021): I have read your blog about providing opportunities to spankophiles to ask questions to you.

Really on the top of my mind is what is the best way to make a spankee cry real tears? I am convinced this has to be triggered mainly in the head and not because of very hard physical pain. Do you agree?
If so, how can you assure that your spankee will cry like a bad 10-year-old?

I am asking this question for myself as your potential spankee ;-)

Lady Cloe: I believe in getting to know the past and anything that could trigger such an outcome! As a matter of fact, I had such occur today! It is more an emotional and mental connection! The bottom getting mentally prepared prior to the physical protocoled corrections! 

You must create trust to relieve in the desired outcome!! I am caring and always pay attention to your needs! 

Come and get yours! 

From DM (April 29, 2021): Being a top all my life I’ve discovered that I have strong feelings that at some point in a tops life they should have the experience at least once, of giving that control over to another and having the experience of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a good spanking.  What do think and have you run across this before?

Thank you ðŸ˜Š I’m a huge fan!

Lady Cloe: Being a former bottom, I agree with you! In a matter of fact, switching things up is recommended! Cheers